Lianglu Pan
PhD candidate in the University of Melborne, studying cybersecurity.

About me
Victoria, Australia
Education Background
The University of Melbourne - PhD Candidate, 2020.1 - present
The University of Melbourne - Information Technology (Distributed Computing), 2017.2 - 2018.12
Vaasa University of Applied Sciences - International Energy Technology and Management, 2014.9 - 2016.3
Wuhan University of Technology - Mechanical Engineering and Automation, 2011.9 - 2015.6
Honorable Mention in MCM 2014
As a team leader, I led my team and we created a mathematical model to optimize the numbers of lanes on the highway in order to meet highest efficiency and safety.
First Prize in Mechanical Creative Design of National College Students, 2014
Our product, Honeycomb Classroom, which is a mechanical simulation and a beautiful fantasy of a future classroom. With the architecture of the honeycomb, our demo model can switch between three different teaching models.
Second Prize of Information Security Competition Hosted by 360
I solved several problems in different fields including encryption, code auditing, reverse engineering, web cracking and traffic analysing. Besides, I successfully penetrated 2 of 4 servers in the competition. The servers were configured by staffs in 360, which is a leading company of information security in China.
First Prize in Mechanical Creative Design of National College Students (Fischertechnik), 2014
My team created an attractive demo model to show how Goldberg Machines working. It was modular designed so that it's easy to replace some of the parts and become another interesting model.
Third Prize of Hubei Province in CUMCM 2013
As a team leader, I led my team and we created a mathematical model to reconstruct shredded paper. The result, Reconstruction of Shredded Paper Documents by Feature Matching, was published on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, which is recorded by SCI.
Working Experiences
Academic Tutor - The University of Melbourne, 2018.2 - present
Woking as academic tutor in CIS department in the University of Melbourne. Main roles include delivering tutorial / workshop sessions, designing and marking assignments and exams, coordinating subjects.
Web Developer - EasySolutions, 2015.9 - 2017.1
EasySolutions is a company that provide solutions to Finnish SMEs for marketing their products in an easier way. I was a part of the team who made a B2B ordering system and a CRM system.
Product Commissioning Engineer - OstroSafe, 2015.8 - 2017.1
OstroSafe is a Finnish company committed to provide SMEs and individuals with professional surveillance solutions. My main job includes designing surveillance solutions, testing devices, and sometimes fixing fault cameras.
Mechanical Designer - Wuhan Iron & Steel Heavy Industry Group Corp., 2014.3 - 2014.7
Arranged by my university as part of my undergraduate course, I worked in Wuhan Iron & Steel Heavy Industry Group Corp. for five months. My major task was to design the components and create their 3D models (CAD / CAE). I went to the workshop and participate in production when necessary.
Operation & Maintenance Engineer - Trebuchet, 2013.8 - 2016.5
Trebuchet (this project is terminated) is based on an open-sourced and web-based strategy game 2Moons. We made adjustments and added features to the original 2Moons engine. Our whole team worked voluntary and as part-time. We learnt a lot during corporation. My tasks include maintaining the core codes of the system, design and develop special events, page effects on festivals and handle emergency situations.